Funding boost for historic plan to protect WA's forests

Funding boost for historic plan to protect WA's forests  Main Image

23 May 2023

  • 2023-24 State Budget includes $36 million for next Forest Management Plan 
  • Helps deliver McGowan Government's historic decision to end native logging 
  • Additional 50 jobs and resources for management activities to improve forest health 

The McGowan Government will deliver $36 million through the 2023-24 State Budget to create dozens of new jobs to help deliver on the historic decision to end native logging in our South West. 

The additional resources will assist in implementing the Forest Management Plan 2024-33 to improve forest resilience in a changing climate. 

The native logging ban will preserve at least 400,000 hectares of karri, jarrah and wandoo forests - an area 1,000 times the size of Kings Park. This is in addition to the 1.6 million hectares of forest already protected 

The investment in the 2023-24 State Budget will provide 50 full-time positions as well as operational funds to enable the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Forest Products Commission to carry out their work.  

The only timber to be taken from our native forests will come from management activities designed to improve forest health and clearing for approved mining operations or infrastructure maintenance. 

The Forest Management Plan 2024-33 reaffirms the McGowan Government's commitment to act on climate change and protect biodiversity. Maintaining a healthy and resilient forest ecosystem is one of the most effective ways to mitigate against climate change. 

Hundreds of submissions from thousands of individuals and groups were received during public consultation. That feedback is being considered in finalising the plan. 

The final Forest Management Plan will be released later this year and will take effect from January 2024. 

Comments attributed to Warren-Blackwood MLA Jane Kelsbie: 

"It's fantastic the 2023-24 State Budget features an additional $36 million to support the implementation of the next Forest Management Plan. 

“This investment will create 50 jobs, a large proportion of which will be here in the South West including Manjimup. 

“I’m pleased this funding will help deliver local jobs and further supports the community as we transition to end native logging. 

“I fought hard to increase the initial transition package from $50 million to $80 million, and this new $36 million investment increases the McGowan Labor Government’s support for our forestry communities even further.” 

Media Contact: Teiga Murray, 9848 3171