Warren-Blackwood is home to many amazing local businesses as well as inspiring events, and I want to share some of them with you.
Each month I give away vouchers to spend locally.
One of my most successful Go Local & Win's has been the fuel vouchers we gave away a little while ago SO, I'm doing it again.
I've got a voucher of $100 each to give away - the winner can pick which servo they want to get their $100 voucher for... then we'll sort it out for you.
To enter my Go Local you must live in the Warren-Blackwood electorate, follow my Facebook page and fill in your details on my website/below.
(Warren-Blackwood includes the Shires of Augusta Margaret River, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Denmark, part of Donnybrook-Balingup, part of Gnowangerup, Manjimup, Nannup & Plantagenet.)