Back-to-School Bus Win for Narrikup

Back-to-School Bus Win for Narrikup Main Image

01 February 2023

Member for Warren-Blackwood, Jane Kelsbie, was there to see local Narrikup kids off to school today at their new bus stop location.   

Narrikup’s school bus stop was relocated following Ms Kelsbie’s successful advocacy, on behalf of the Narrikup community and the Narrikup Road Safety Working Group, to the Minister for Transport.  

Ms Kelsbie and the Narrikup Road Safety Working Group had been calling for the school bus stop on Albany Highway to be moved to a safer location, as well as other road safety improvements in the area. 

Ms Kelsbie has been in regular contract with the Transport Minister, and raised the matter in Parliament in December, following advice from the Shire that the relocation of the bus stop could be accommodated.  

In response, Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti announced the bus stop would be relocated to Hannan Way from the beginning of the school year. 

Other safety improvements, including a slip lane at the turn-off to Narrikup, are currently being evaluated. 

Comments attributed to Member for Warren-Blackwood Jane Kelsbie: 

“It’s fantastic to be seeing the kids off for their first day back at school from the new bus stop location.  

“I’m so pleased we have been able to deliver this change for local families. 

“I’d like to acknowledge the work of the community, the Working Group and the Shire in helping achieve this change for the Narrikup community.” 

Photo: Plantagenet Shire President, Chris Pavlovich and Jane Kelsbie MLA, with members of the Narrikup Road Safety Working Group at the new bus stop location.

Media Contact: Teiga Murray, 9848 3171