Local kids turn the page for Premier’s Reading Challenge

Local kids turn the page for Premier’s Reading Challenge Main Image

11 May 2022

  • Premier’s Reading Challenge launched
  • Challenge to develop WA students’ literacy skills and fuel their imagination
  • This year’s theme is ‘Reading can take you anywhere’

The McGowan Government has launched the Premier’s Reading Challenge, with Local Member, Jane Kelsbie, encouraging young Western Australians to get reading.

The challenge will run until Friday 9 September and is open to all students from Kindergarten to Year 10.

Students participating in the challenge must read at least 12 books over the six-month period to be in the running to win the major prizes.

Prizes, including a family holiday for the winner in each category, will be available for students who read the most books, as well as those who have shown a significant improvement in their reading habits.

Weekly prizes are also on offer. Students can go in the draw by logging a book per week.

This year’s theme is ‘Reading can take you anywhere’, showcasing to students that a love of reading can open the door to a world of opportunities.

Books can be read across all formats, including audiobooks, Braille and books in language, and in all genres, including comics and graphic novels.

Visit the Premier’s Reading Challenge website at www.premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au to register, search over 7,000 book titles and log books read.

Comments attributed to Member for Warren-Blackwood, Jane Kelsbie:

“The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a fantastic initiative that encourages our kids to read.

“We want children and young people to be inspired to pick up books throughout their lives and experience the joy of reading early on.

“Reading sparks the imagination and creates a sense of adventure and wonderment.

“In this year’s challenge, the journey begins when you pick your avatar and choose your first book.”